There’s also such a rich cinematic history of films that feature casinos, and the DP Arlene Muller tapped into that vintage feeling with the look.”Ī comedic director with serious chops, Doron Max Hagay balances realism and absurdity with deadpan humor to deliver the best possible creative. Hagay continued, “Filming in a casino is so fun, with all the colors, sounds, and activity. We prioritized being able to play around a bit, which freed us up to focus on the most important piece of these spots: David,” said Hagay. ”I appreciated how the agency embraced creative ideas, which allowed us to maximize our schedule. In the role 'VP of Party', Koechner energetically assures the viewer that Harrah’s is exceptionally well-rounded and partying isn’t all they do (they also do soirées, feasts, get-downs, barn burners, and shindigs…).ĭoron Max Hagay worked closely with the agency to create the spot, and his ability to take highly produced projects from concept to air in days was an asset in this production. North Carolina-based Chirp Films produced the new campaign for Harrah’s Cherokee Casino Resort, starring David Koechner of 'Anchorman' and 'The Office' fame.